Comparative Literature

Applicable for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Comparative Literature Website

Professors DAVIS (Director), SCHEINER; Assistant Professor NAJI; Visiting Assistant Professor HABIB

比较文学是跨语言文学的研究, cultures, time periods, 以及体裁以及文学与其他知识领域关系的研究. 这种学习的一个基本特征是阅读原文或原文. 比较文学的研究促进了对跨文化或跨文化关系的理解,并有助于培养对文学和世界的更国际化或世界主义的看法, in turn, of one's own literature and culture. 

当今比较文学的一个重要组成部分是对世界文学的研究, specifically, 对伟大文学作品如何揭示不同文化之间未被充分研究的关系和跨国联系的研究, languages, and artistic traditions across the globe. Such work often relies on translations. 世界文学的研究促进了对当今交织在一起的全球文化的深刻根源的理解,并支持一种批判的立场,旨在消除某些文化观点和观点对其他文化的假定中心和支配地位.

Major Requirements

Major Requirements:

11 units (in addition to language courses below level 306, 并且除了要求完成的430和431以外的毕业论文.

  1. CO120: Literature, Power and Identities or CO121: Literature, Place, and the World – 1 unit.
  2. CO130: Literature and Contemporary Issues or CO131: Literature, Texts, and Media  1 unit.
  3. CO250: Introduction to Literary Theory or EN250: Introduction to Literary Theory  1 unit.
  4. CO255: World Literature/Comparative Literature  1 unit.
  5. Four courses at or above the 300 level in literature, 包括一门306级或以上的英语以外的语言课程和一门在比较背景下研究文学的课程.  4 units.
  6. CO391: Advanced Literary Theory or CO390: Translation: Theory and Practice  1 unit.
  7. CO430: Thesis Preparation  1 unit.
  8. CO431: Senior Thesis (Prerequisite: CO255 and CO430 1 unit.

Note: As a rule, 毕业论文需要不止一个块的准备和一个块的写作和研究. 我们鼓励学生参加一个独立的学习单元,由他们的部门或外部读者进行准备(通常在论文单元之前)。.

Download a PDF of the major requirements and checklist.

Minor Requirements

World Literature Minor — 6 units required.

  1. CO120: Literature, Power, and Identities or CO121: Literature, Place, and the World  1 unit.
  2. CO130: Literature and Contemporary Issues or CO131: Literature, Texts, and Media  1 unit.
  3. CO250: Introduction to Literary Theory or EN250: Introduction to Literary Theory  1 unit.
  4. CO255: World Literature/Comparative Literature  1 unit.
  5. Two courses above the 100 level in literature, one of which examines literature in a comparative context  2 units.


Comparative Literature

将文学作为探索权力和身份的场所进行考察, 尤其是身份是如何构建的,以及文学文本是如何(重新)呈现的,以及如何解构身份的. 强调文本的细读以及批判性分析和写作. 1 unit. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Equity and Power: EPG requirement.

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文学作为理解全球人类和观点的丰富多样性的场所的检查, 特别注意“地方”如何通知文学设置以及组成和消费的地点. 强调文本的细读以及批判性分析和写作. 1 unit. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: HP requirement.

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当代问题的交叉点和美学和生产的文学在当今世界的检查. 强调文本的细读以及批判性分析和写作. 1 unit. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SHB requirement.

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文学文本和其他形式的媒体和文本之间的交叉检查, in an international context. 强调文本的细读以及批判性分析和写作. 1 unit. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement.

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Consideration of literature in a comparative context. 比较可能发生在不同语言、文化、时期、体裁或学科之间.

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文学理论的重要趋势和运动的介绍性检查,包括形式主义和结构主义等方法, post-structuralism, psychoanalytic approaches, theories of gender and sexuality, historical and materialist approaches, posthuman, and digital theories. 从各种文化和语言传统的理论文本以及文学作品的研究, 探索理论为解释提供可能性的途径.

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关注文学、民族、文化和语言比较的伦理. 探索“世界”与“比较”之间的概念张力,思考与历史相关的同一性与差异性, methods, conceptual frameworks, canonical thinkers, critics, current issues, 以及这些领域的争论以及它们如何影响我们对文学的阅读. 强调理论和文学文本的细读, critical analysis, and writing in a comparative context. 课程符合通识教育课程《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《赌博正规的十大网站》的要求. 符合批判性观点:全球文化的要求. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Equity and Power: EPG requirement.

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Consideration of literature in a comparative context. 比较可能发生在不同语言、文化、时期、体裁或学科之间

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翻译文学文本的实践经验,并阅读和讨论翻译研究中的关键文本. 探讨翻译带来的语言问题, literature, authority, and power. Translation workshops and discussion of practical issues. Discussion of translations as a cultural force. Individual research projects on translation.

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对文学和文化理论中特定主题或问题的仔细研究. 包括深入的工作与理论思想和运动,以及实践与理论应用到文学和其他文化文本的分析. (Not offered 2024-25).

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Opportunity for students, either individually or as a group, 在教员的指导下与教员合作进行研究.

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Preliminary work on the senior thesis: identification of a compelling research question; training in how to conduct research; creation of an outline; creation of a preliminary bibliography; creation of a timeline for completion; and beginning of the writing of the thesis. Opportunity for students to discuss their work, the work of their colleagues, 以及在研讨会上共同感兴趣的理论文本. 1 unit.

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论文题目由学生自选,经比较文学专业主任批准. 选题、研究、提纲和完成本课程的写作.

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